Future Planning for Special Needs in Families

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
9:30 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.
The Ivy Room at Tree Studios

The process of future planning is far more complicated in families where a beneficiary struggles with a physical or cognitive disability or mental illness. Decisions about how to best provide lifetime help and care for that individual can be overwhelming for the entire family.

Today we will examine the financial, structural and emotional issues involved for both parents of special needs children and the adult siblings who may be expected to participate as future care takers.

All program presenters are either the parent, sibling or grandparent of a special needs family member. We believe that this personal perspective is critical.

The Impact of the Unexpected on a Family

Kathy Wiseman, The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family

Estate Planning for Special Needs

Larry Rivkin, Partner, Rivkin & Rivkin, LLC


Behind the Scenes at the Spring Forum