Critical Family Communications for Wealth Preservation
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
9:30 2:00 p.m.
The Ivy Room at Tree Studios
The ability to have open and honest family communications about money may be the most essential determinant for maintaining wealth into the future. Yet even in families with the healthiest relations, financial conversations can be difficult and fraught with anxiety.
At this event, attendees heard from experts in family communications on ways to have productive dialogues about wealth. The program also included a review of critical financial information to share across a family.
Communication Fundamentals: Best Practices for Productive Family Discussions on Wealth and Finances
David Lansky, Ph.D., FBCG
What Information Does Your Family Need? The Nuts & Bolts of Documenting and Sharing Critical Financial Information
Kathryn O’Hara, Altair Advisers
Behind the Scenes at the Spring Forum