Starting Your Financial Life: A Compilation of Key Concepts and Considerations


Coming into financial independence and taking on more responsibilities for your own income and spending is both a liberating and intimidating experience.

To help you navigate some of the most important and common early financial and investment decisions, we have put together this collection of articles. The goal is to arm you with information, break complicated concepts down into laymen’s terms and provide illustrations and tools for thinking through cash flow and investment decisions.

We hope you find this helpful and we encourage you to call or email us with specific questions and to share your thoughts on ways we can add to and improve this compilation.

Managing your own finances is a central part of your life. Establishing good habits and making informed choices early on can have lasting benefits. Give these issues the importance they are due and recognize that as you accumulate more financial experience and assets, your knowledge needs will change. This is just the start of a lifelong journey!